When Dr. & Mrs. Roger & Roberta Dayer started to slow down a bit, they decided they wanted to move to Fox Run while they were still young and healthy enough to really enjoy the lifestyle. They had their doubts at first, but both now agree that they love experiencing their lives at Fox Run.
The two met at Bennett High School and dated for approximately five years before marrying. They were young, but determined to live on love. And that they certainly did. They have been happily married for over 61 years, spending their time hosting friends and parties while enjoying life in Buffalo’s Central Park area.
The Dayers have gone from “living on love” to truly loving life at Fox Run and all it has to offer. When asked about their favorite part of living at Fox Run, the couple agreed- it’s the fact that their new patio home still feels like home. They are still able to host friends and family with plenty of space, as well as make frequent trips into the City of Buffalo to continue to experience their favorite places and activities downtown.
As a retired general surgeon, quality medical care was very important to Dr. Drayer’s choice to make the move. When he unfortunately broke his hip, he was able to receive rehabilitation care right at Fox Run, so Mrs. Dayer could easily walk over and visit him anytime she wanted. This is just one of the many reasons joining the Fox Run Community remains a great choice for the Dayer family.